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<2022 夕陽無限好聽 INFINITY SUNSET> 7吋彩膠之3 - 亞熱帶的南方 Subtropical South:落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster + Michael Seyer

<2022 夕陽無限好聽 INFINITY SUNSET> 7吋彩膠之3 - 亞熱帶的南方 Subtropical South:落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster + Michael Seyer

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眾星雲集 <2022 夕陽無限好聽 INFINITY SUNSET> 黑膠發行計畫 7吋彩膠限量發行,預計9月初到貨夕陽無限好聽由五張七吋黑膠組成,收錄來自台灣、美國、泰國、菲律賓、韓國、日本,八組創作團體/藝人的對話。從落日飛車、雷頓狗、宋柏緯,到 Paul Cherry、Phum Viphurit、Michael Seyer、O3ohn、never young beach,組成一輛無限延展夕陽的列車,於 2022 年夏天啟程。


3 - 亞熱帶的南方 

Subtropical South落日飛車 Sunset Rollercoaster - Jellyfish (feat. Michael Seyer)
Michael Seyer - Manila Sunset

亞熱帶的南方海域,島嶼住民愛與鄉愁的寄託。單身的水母在尊龍譜寫的暖流中,自由地沉潛進思慕的泡沫。而 Michael 筆下,馬尼拉的夕陽、樹與微風都是家鄉,和海浪一起永存在旋律中。The ocean can symbolize all kinds of feelings for people born on the islands of Southeast Asia, from romantic love to nostalgia. “Jellyfish,” written by Sunset Rollercoaster’s drummer Tsun-Lung, tells of a lonely jellyfish’s breakup story. As for Michael Seyer, the sound of waves brings him back to Manila, and everything he sees and feels—the sunset, trees, and breeze—are all part of Manila, his home in memories.

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